Saturday, June 16, 2012

Resonance...a healing offering...

Something came over me, gathered me UP.
I'd rather write than talk
I'd rather Love than hate
I'd rather feel release’s relief than fear
I'd rather be me than anyone else

The only guru I follow is the Voice Within

 There's nothing to do---no more fights to fight---no more courses to immerse myself in.

It's all here. It's all here, nothing to fear---
Ultimate mind/body healing will appear.
Next day delivery is a FedX kinda thing.
Next moment's unfolding is where I live...Now

I feel hear hold spaciousness for the energy of this, my 
little panicked inner child.
All her fears doubts worry formulas are showing themselves.
Some illumined part of me is able to ask her, "What's that about, dear magical one?", with no opinion of the answer. Which she offers in an instant.

She has come to trust me and totally wants the freedom from fear I have grown to love---

She is discovering the more she let's herself be vulnerable-raw... Even by telling how she got so hurt, emotionally damaged she is contributing to our Wholeness.

And that Great Mother of All Creation is, oh so tenderly, holding us in her gigantic Heart Arms...Never leaving us out in the cold---

She, the little one, inside, lost her fear of abandonment---No need to stuff her feelings down, run away, hide, cheat, steal, lie, blame or feel shame---Look good, be perfect, feel guilty...

It's all over now...
She has let go, of being terrified, is willing to be held in safety
as her wounded-ness heals. 


Joy Now has appeared…
For Real

Blessings on your Way!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nina Simone + Teamster wisdom...

Hello Dear Ones!!!

Swaying to Nina's rendition of 'Here Comes the Sun'...soothed bones and heart. Writing writing digging digging interviewing dancing singing off key goes on.

Soft fun falling snow gifts as June nears its end: Nina & a bit of Teamster wisdom. Harks back to decades with film folk. Helpful playful tool for returning to the here and wow of now. Enjoy!

Early mornings, amidst dark streets and handy oversized parking lots - a caravan of 16 wheelers arrived. Generator, camera truck actor's trailers, gynornous units loaded with every little and big tool films are collectively created with. 

Actors and most crew members still on their way. It's pre-call folk time! Teamster captain drivers location peeps - on set early - witness sunrise. Here comes the Sun!! 

Here's the gift. As a big burly driver captain assist his team in landing of heavy equipment - he repeats these three words. 

Hand raised high, waving them in collision free motion:
"Come on back, come on back'. Until units are safely parked.

Come on back. Be present. Breathe often and deeply. 

Laughing smiling, focused-here now and swaying to the music of LIFE...

As Nina is silent - back to writing table I bid you blessed Summer moments. 

May you ride Friday's New Moon, partial solar eclipse energy toward fulfillment. True HeArt leads us on.

Blessed be All.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

addictive Grace...

This I was shown. Strong 'fear-based emotional reaction' - addiction, an aspect of personality, is heal-able. While acting out fear - with anything - Grace waits. 

My personality's heavy handed demon was control. Its act was work-a-holism. 
'Haul-it'-ism. Needy sub-accounts included television (remote 'control' in hand) food exercise approval attention worry. This lethal concoction poisoned my inner joy. It almost snuffed out living- right here right now.

By nature I am a kind generous intuitively wise Being. These qualities were co-opted, distorted, mutated during their imprisonment. Appearing as trouble making habitual patterns. The courageous willingness to witness previously unexamined thought forms, behaviors - was received during Grace-filled moments.

Now as I breathe with Life, a living meditation - Grace has an eternal access pass. Erasing the neediness impulse, helps Me help me. Inner Me - being One with All-That-Is offers uninterrupted energy guidance. It offers understanding, wisdom, gentle lessons, a joyful awakening. Whopee!!

This Invisible process is aided by slippage. Lingering mental/emotional disturbances provide loving reminders. Being with Process becomes easier and simpler. In a state of Grace.

As I noticed compulsive urge-n-cy  reactivated by blogging - I paused. Then inwardly played with optional scenarios. I watched for resonant good feeling which I've grown to trust. Ah...there it was. Once a week may be or twice a month, feel with it, and see. 

My little book project grew up a bit during recent 'blog break'. So did I.

Grace provides space. Accepted -  space becomes a void-a vacuum. Attracting our intention. Grace led me to appreciative compassion. Showed me a Love-filled creative process. 

I married Love. I go. I click off this machine (after a few gentle previews ;~>).

I bid you unending Graceful moments. Love love love...Life!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Lee Hirsh-owner operator of Mobility Quest is a wisdom teacher. "Driving, Antoinette, is multitasking", she humorously quipped, foot held inches above her Instructor's brake. It was July 2008 after her initial coginition evaluation. I'd passed. Post-strokes, etc. brain was functional enough. I buckled up.

Flash forward...Ms. Hirsh patiently course corrected MANY previously long held less than healthy driving habits. Flash forward- Every drive, anywhere is appreciated and multi-tasked - with conscious aware.

Dear Lee had jump started an innocent quest into re-framing this oft ill thought of word. In a day and age when multitasking habits have dire consequences I inquired-curiously. Discovering blending any task with mindful awareness (and breathing...) offers another view.

As I washed last nights dishes this morning I breathed. Involuntary reflex, yes-done consciously becomes voluntary reflection. Task number one. I noticed a slight tightness in my right shoulder. Task two-mindful awareness. As I breathed deeply, rolling my shoulders (3) hearing Tanya Greve, beloved yoga instructor's melodic voice - I fully enter task four.  Dishwashing yoga  practice. Feet firmly planted, hips squared, lumbar curved naturally supporting the whole kit and kabbudle - I breathe often and deeply.

Pots and pans, dishes too breathed along with me. Happy to be cleaned (purification) and cleared (clarity). All elemental steps along the Way, like driving in LA.

All that inside a string of sudsy moments! When given reverence and trust muliti-tasking morphs. Every move we make becomes a meditation. We're breathing and living - discovering wisdom's clues. One breath, one dirty dish, one shoulder roll, one day, moment to moment - at a time.

Warm wonder-filled multi-tasking day to YOU!

Joy be with you.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Exposed Truth

Before the flirt with disintergration - I talked a good talk. Was not walking it.
Every post I am called forth to speak- I am called forth to live.

Being a devoted talk walker, is a way hOMe. Simply. Integration is integral.

Whatever becomes gleamed, resonates universally-So be it.

Thank you dear ones for this place to Be.

I walk forth today. Breathing...often and deeply...
In and out - Here and Now - In Truth and Humor.

Humor - a playfulness in process. I chuckle.
It arrives in waves - as I get out of, Way's way.

Love and blessings. Peaceful day.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Truth + Humor

True confessions of a neophyte blogger.

As non-fiction book elements began flowing - a blog became a next best step.
Sounds a bit 'means to an end-ish'. Truthfully, it was - at first. Publishers apparently want writers with readers.  Welcome to the 21st Century Antoinette! I used to promote other people's creations - if Film and Television product qualify. Dude Where's My Car? Doogie Howser? Hmmm.

Here we are looking at 'means to an end'. Named by Eckhart Tolle as one of three incessant assassins of Here and Now. Paraphrasing a teeny bit with his 'Power of Now' wording, here's all three:
-Making the moment into a means to an end
-Viewing it as a problem
-Treating it as an enemy.

Overnight  this blog became a nurturing entity. Never a problem or enemy. An opening up, an allowing, an invited learning curve. Coming back to life offered similar benefits. Interesting how 'challenging' circumstances  offer benefits. Feel like a few drifts of snow?

Whilst blogging - a useful timer on microwave helps Curb My Enthusiasm. Every thirty minutes it buzzes.
I get up, walk away from keyboard. Relax retreat renew. Breathe, stretch out blog cramped muscles.
Then pick a five+ minute iPod tune and DANCE.

Buzzzzzer just went off. See you in five.

Back after six minutes with Tears for Fears -"Sowing the Seeds of Love". Lyrics popped out.  

"Time to eat all your words...swallow your your eyes..."

More truth. Losing all your bodily functions is a great initiatory rite. I could neither eat or use words, at first. Just because I was humbled by an extraordinarily humbling experience - prideful-ness lingered. My eyes where opened as Third Eye energy awakened me. I looked closely at pride. It stunk. Blocked Flow.

Thankfully-due to oppressive circumstances most of what I pridefully coveted was lost. Or I chose to leave it. The rest Spirit is soulfully simmering, melting away. Like the Wicked Witch of the West's ending cry- 'I'm melting I'm melting' too whimpers and whines.

Admittedly as brain functions rebooted ego-mind slithered back in. Insidious bugger! Gremlin's best friend. Offering twist and turns that strength my daily resolve. A watchful eye compassionately monitors all. No-thing left to do - simply Be. Here. Now. I breathe. I give thanks. Deeply...and often.

And blog...HAHAHA!!!

See you soon. Peace filled blessings be with you.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Here and

Here and now - I am sitting, writing, breathing. Played Bowie's "Let's Dance' - danced around a bit to loosen  bones. Sundown evening chill, freshens the air. I am curious.

What's your here and now? What's your breath feeling-saying?

Rick Carson, author creator of 'Taming Your Gremlin' method says this about breath. Step #4 in his taming principles is Breathe Dammit Breathe.  My light weight version is Breathe Baby Breathe.

Our gremlin, monkey mind, sabotuer - the constant chatter box - whatever we call it - is a life stopper.
It's a dismissive disruptor of moment to moment living. Our Here and Nowness! Our natural Oneness with breath and breadth can become derailed.

Up side is - monster in our mind IS tamable. With effort, not strain as Rick describes it. Mine almost won.
I'd let this toxic hairball of past future thinking habits get so very large. I choked on it. I let it temporarily rob me of my breath.

As a middle aged toddler, returning from a two month coma, re-learning to breathe was a first step. Hospital rooms became curiosity classrooms. A school where a recess bell never rang. Learning to breathe (and all else) was a full time devotional practice. I dug it.

So here we are breathing often and deeply. Honoring a vital, but  under-appreciated gift. I do so I love it. It loves us - heals - frees- causes- allows us to dance! 

It led me safely, to a dark underbelly of silent (but deadly) psychotic compulson. I B R E A T H E D- like a psyche lamaze student. Breath - in the lead, inhale-exhale. Lighting up dank dark corners. Wielding a powerful torch, intent enough to find - uncover what was not me. Guiding me and melting away false- fractured concepts and beliefs. It empowered me to change, shift, evolve. It is Here. It is Now. Let's Dance some more...

Rick goes on. Step #6 - Establish here and now as a home base - from which we shine our spotlight of awareness. Beautiful. This ability to respond to life moment to moment is our access code to wonder. Life's wonder is revealed. Spaciousness and freedom return after cleaning-clearing out-converting mental clutter.
Being present-breathe to breathe. Hmmmmmm...ahhhhhhh...y e s.

A spacious Invisible presence fills us up. Like a deep breath. We become reflections of It. As we consciously focus our spotlights of awareness. AND DANCE!

See you, Dear Ones, next week!